Family, Generations and Health


Gender Diversity, Citizenship and Health: Trans gender identities and expressions of gender in relation to the new medical and legal frameworks - Gender Diversity, Citizenship and Health: Trans gender identities and expressions of gender in relation to the new medical and legal frameworks
Data Início: 01-07-2016 Data Fim: 30-06-2022
A maternidade naturalizada como nova conceção de cidadania: adesão e controvérsia em Portugal e Espanha
Data Início: 06-01-2014 Data Fim: 31-05-2017
CIVIL_SW - Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models
Coordenação Maria das Dores Horta Guerreiro
Data Início: 27-05-2013 Data Fim: 26-05-2016
Couple Dynamics in Intercultural European Marriage
Data Início: 28-02-2014 Data Fim: 31-10-2018
Estudo de Avaliação sobre o grau de satisfação de utentes da rede nacional de apoio a vítimas
Data Início: 09-12-2015 Data Fim: 08-06-2016
Family Portraits of Contemporary Portugal: generations, life courses and social mobility
Data Início: 01-03-2012 Data Fim: 31-10-2018
Infeção por VIH entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH): fatores de risco e novas trajetórias de seropositividade
Data Início: 02-06-2016 Data Fim: 01-09-2016
Inquérito Nacional aos Usos do Tempo de Homens e Mulheres
Coordenação Helena Maria Barroso Carvalho
Data Início: 15-02-2016 Data Fim: 30-09-2016
Living in times of crisis: events, causes and effects of biographical crises
Data Início: 01-12-2015 Data Fim: 30-11-2018
NPS - New Psychoactive Substances: transnational project on different user groups, user characteristics, extent and patterns of use, market dynamics, and best practices in prevention
Coordenação Susana Alexandra Frutuoso Henriques
Data Início: 01-10-2015 Data Fim: 30-09-2017
Public engagement in reproductive technologies: citizen-centred care, research and innovation
Coordenação Cláudia Susana Soares de Freitas
Data Início: 01-09-2016 Data Fim: 31-12-2017
Technological Arrangements for Managing Care at an Accident and Emergency Care Hospital
Coordenação Graça Maria Gouveia da Silva Carapinheiro
Data Início: 01-12-2016 Data Fim: 01-12-2018
Healthdox - The Paradox of Health Care Futures
Coordenação Maria Asensio Menchero
Data Início: 01-10-2014 Data Fim: 31-08-2018
Towards new patterns of governance arrangements in healthcare? Taking Portugal as a case study on state, medicine and market
Data Início: 01-02-2013 Data Fim: 31-10-2018
Trafficking of women for sexual exploitation in Portugal. A qualitative study of trafficked women, trafficking experiences and measures of assistance
Data Início: 01-12-2014 Data Fim: 30-11-2017