Profile Photo
Vera Borges
Office 2N16
Locker 239
Telephone 217903079
(ext:) 752101
Research Fields
Artistic work, organisations, professions and labour markets; culture and inequalities, cultural public policies.
Research Group
Media and Culture
Vera Borges is a Research Fellow of sociology at CIES-Iscte. She is Invited Professor at LCT-Iscte and Department of Sociology-Iscte. Since 2020, she collaborates with the Master in Management and Studies of Culture (Mestrado em Estudos e Gestão da Cultura), at Iscte. Since 2022, she teaches Professions, Organizations and Creativity at Iscte.Recently, she coordinated the team that carried out the Study on the Artists and Projects supported by the FCG (study funded by the FCG, 2022). She is currently coordinating the Study of the Portuguese Theater and Cine-Theaters Network (2023), at CIES-Iscte.Among her recent co-authored articles are Mapping Cultural Policy in Portugal: From incentives to crisis (International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018); Emerging Patterns of Artistic Organizations in Portugal: A Three Case Studies analysis (Sociologia del Lavoro, 2020); and The transformative role of Angels cultural organisations under austerity (Cultural Trends, 2021).V. Borges, Ph.D. in Sociology (EHESS-UNL) since 2005, she is a permanent researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications