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Rita Sepúlveda
Office C4.09
Research Group
Media and Culture
 Rita Sepúlveda is a postdoctoral researcher at ICNOVA - Instituto da Comunicação da NOVA with the project RelationApp: - Status: in a relationship with apps. Apps dynamics in the context of romantic relationship management. She holds a Communication Sciences PhD from ISCTE (2021). Rita researches on collective and dynamic expressions in digital environments. Her work has focused on the transformation of intimacy in the context of the appropriation of digital platforms. She is an associate researcher at Cies (Iscte-Iul), collaborating on EUMEPLAT - European Media Platforms: assessing positive and negative externalities for European Culture (Funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020; Grant No 101004488) and coordinating the DatingLab project (Cies-Iscte). Since 2019 she has been lecturing in postgraduate courses on methodologies subjects with a particular focus on social media platforms.  She is member of Social Media Research Techniques group (iNOVAMedia Lab) and MediaLab Cies-Iscte. 
Educational Qualifications
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