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Juliana Oliveira
Office 2N19.1
Research Fields
Environmental History; Social History; Contemporary history; History of the quilombolas in Brazil.
Research Group
Migration, Mobility and Ethnicity
Juliana Gazzinelli de Oliveira holds a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism-Management in Hospitality from FUMEC University (2009), Belo Horizonte / MG, Master in Built Environment and Sustainable Heritage from the School of Architecture at UFMG (2014). PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Heritage by CPDOC / Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro (2019), where she defended the thesis "Three versions for a land: the case of Marinhos quilombola titling", which focused on the social relationship between the members of the quilombola community, the territory where they live and how they deal with internal conflicts, as well as the challenges they face in the struggle for more effective public policies. The research was developed from the analysis of documents from the processes of land title regularization and recognition as a quilombola, as well as oral history interviews with local residents, participant observation and ethnographic research.  From 2010 to 2015, at the Inhotim ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
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