Profile Photo
João Carvalho
Office AA2.21
Telephone 217903066
(ext:) 712211
Research Fields
comparative politics
politics of international migration
qualitative research strategies
far right parties
Research Group
Migration, Mobility and Ethnicity
João Carvalho is a PhD in Politics in the University of Sheffield. Recently, I have been promoted to the category of Invited Principal Investigator after obtaining the first position in the 4th call for Scientific Employment Stimulus in the area of: "Media and communication, law and political science" promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.My research interests encompass the politics of international migration and the far-right.My research has been published in scientific journals such as: Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics, Government and Opposition, Parliamentary Affairs, Citizenship Studies, Comparative European Politics. My book enttiled Impact of extreme Right Parties on Immigration Policy. Comparing Britain, France and Italy was published by Routledge in 2014 and 2016. I am currently the local coordinator of an European research project entitled MIrreM funded by the European Union.  
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications