Profile Photo
Madureira, Nuno Luis
Department of History
Office AA2.08
Locker 321-B
Telephone 217650240
(ext:) 220324
Research Group
Historical Dynamics and Global Integration of the World
Professor at Lisbon University Institute, Nuno Luis Madureira works currently in the areas of energy and environmental history. Visiting scholar at University of Harvard and visiting scholar at University of Berkeley, USA; member of the permanent pool of referees of the European Science Foundation (2006-2013) and of the College of Reviewers of the European Science Foundation (2016-2023).  Member  of the Research Foundation- Flanders (FWO) Review College. Consultant of the  NWO -Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.  Member of ISCTE's General Board. Editor of the Journal Frontiers in sustainability. Coordinator of several collective research projects. Author of thirteen Books, the last of which, "Key concepts in energy: technology, economy and History", Springer, was published in 2014. Author of academic articles published in the following journals: Entreprise & Society; Frontiers in Energy Research;  Energy Policy; Environment and History;  Technology & Culture;  Business History; Business History Review;  Journal of the Philosophy of History;  Journal of ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
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