Profile Photo
Maria Inês Amaro
Department of Political Science and Public Policy
Office AA3.07
Locker 307-B
Telephone 217650265
(ext:) 221583
Research Fields
Poverty and Social Exclusion; Inequalities; Human Rights and Basic Needs; Contemporary Social Work Theory and Practice; Society, Technology and Impacts in Social Life;Social Work and Social Policy; Social Work Research; Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Social Inclusion.
Research Group
Politics and Citizenship
Maria Inês Amaro is PhD in Social Work and MA in Communication, Culture and Information Technology. Professor at the bachelor, master and doctorate in Social Work at University Institute of Lisbon. She co-ordinated Social Work bachelor and master degree at Catholic University of Portugal. Supervises master and PhD dissertations and thesis in Social Work. She is researcher at the CIES-IUL, Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology and reviewer of UCE (Catholic University Press) for Social Work publications. She founding member of the European Association for Social Work Research was part of the host committee for the 6th European Conference for Social Work Research (Lisbon, 2016). Has research interests in the areas of theory and practice of Social Work, Social Policy and Social Work, Society and Technology and Labour and Social Exclusion. Consultant in the area of social planning and evaluation. Author of books, chapters and articles in the above-mentioned ... [more info]
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications