Novas Publicações
Março 2022

Globalisation, Societies and Education


Analysing biographies in transnational educational spaces: transitions to higher education of alumni from an IB school in Lisbon

Artigo por Anne Schippling e Pedro Abrantes


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Emigração Portuguesa 2021  

Observatório da Emigração



Amsterdam University Press


Contesting Austerity Social Movements and the Left in Portugal and Spain (2008-2015)

Tiago Carvalho



Observatório das Desigualdades


Que Futuro para a Igualdade? Pensar a Sociedade e o Pós-pandemia

Renato Miguel do Carmo, Inês Tavares e Ana Filipa Cândido (orgs.)





Biographical Research: Challenges and Creativity

Ana Caetano e Magda Nico (Ed)





Are the strategic research agendas of researchers in the social sciences determinants of research productivity?

Artigo por João M.Santos, Hugo Horta e Huan Li



Journal of Language and Politics


Policy discourse in times of crisis Debating educational policy in Portugal in the years of austerity

Artigo por Maria Álvares





Is the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the platformisation of the urban economy?

Artigo por Daniela Ferreira, Renato Miguel do Carmo e Mário Vale


South European Society and Politics


The "Lost Generation" and Its Political Discontents: Age-related Divides in Southern Europe after the Crisis

Artigo por Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Marco Lisi e André Freire


Generational and Ideological Gaps in Democratic Support: Seeds of Deconsolidation in Post-Crisis Southern Europe?

Artigo por Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Enrico Borghetto, André Freire e José Ramon Montero


Age and Descriptive Representation in Southern Europe: The Impact of the Great Recession on National Parliaments

Artigo por André Freire, Andrea Pedrazzani, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Xavier Coller e Paolo Segatti




Children and Youth Services Review


Organizational social context and academic achievement of youth in residential care: The mediating role of youth-caregiver relationship quality

Artigo por Carla Sofia Silva, Helena Carvalho, Eunice Magalhães, Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz, Sandra Ornelas, Maria Manuela Calheiros