Teletrabalho: Contributos para uma sistematização teórica
CIES e-WP nº 233/2021 by Tiago Lima Quintanilha



This work aims to contribute to a theoretical systematization of Teleworking. Precisely, the interest and significance this phenomenon raises due to the restrictions imposed by the successive periods of lockdown. This systematization is based on a literature review that seeks to locate the positive and negative implications of teleworking on teleworkers, on human resources, and on the performance of the organizations themselves. There is a necessity for a debate in a context of strong theoretical and empirical ambivalence, in order to contain a possible reframing or a possible dilution of workers' fundamental rights.


Documento completo aqui.




Tiago Lima Quintanilha é doutorado em Ciências da Comunicação e investigador integrado do CIES-Iscte - Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia. Desenvolve investigação nas áreas dos media, jornalismo e ciência aberta. Entre os seus trabalhos mais representativos, destacam-se: “Journalists’ professional self-representations: a Portuguese perspective based on the contribution made by the sociology of professions”, publicado pela Journalism, em 2019; e “Manuel Castells and Informationalism”, na obra Management, organizations and contemporary social theory, organizada por Stewart Clegg em 2019.