The project Health Risk Communication: Design and digital communication of official public health sources to guide citizens in pandemic situations (HERIC 2D), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), aims to improve the Health Risk Communication in pandemic situations of the official public health institutions of the Portuguese Government and State.
The aim is to evaluate and improve the communication and design of the different online platforms created by these institutions to communicate and interact with citizens, namely the DGS, SNS and Estamos On.
The project, coordinated by CIES researcher Rita Espanha, has a team specialising in health communication and partnerships with the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+), the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health at the University of Porto (i3S) and the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) at the University of Minho.
The project team also intends to propose a set of recommendations and guidelines, resulting in a Manual of Good Practices, which will be made available not only to citizens but also to organisations with public health responsibilities.
Check out the project's new website