The seminar “The challenges of radical constitutionalism in the face of democratic erosion: reflections from Brazil” will take place in a hybrid format on April 8, between 3pm and 5pm (GMT). The event is organized by CIES-Iscte, in partnership with APS - Sociology of Law and Justice Section.
The meeting, in the form of a Seminar, seeks to encourage partnerships between research groups whose researchers and professors share common interests in the relationship between Justice, Politics and Law. It involves researchers and professors from CIES ISCTE, the Graduate Program in Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PPGD-PUCPR) and CCONS (Center for the Study of the Constitution, of the Graduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Paraná (PPGD-UFPR). In this first session, the theme proposed for presentation and debate is based on the assumption that there is a process of democratic erosion and the growth of populism that affects the foundations of liberal constitutionalism. Starting from the Brazilian scenario, it seeks to propose reflections that allow us to find new imaginaries that strengthen constitutions as ways to promote justice and equity, encouraging citizen participation and social movements in this joint construction.
Iscte - Conhecimento e Inovação, Building 4, Room B226
Claudia Maria Barbosa
Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR). Lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Law at PUCPR (PPGD/PUCPR). Member of the International Justice, Politics and Law Network (REDIJUS). Researcher at the National Council for Research and Technological Development (CNPq).
Katya Kozicki
Full Professor of Law Theory. Undergraduate and graduate programs in Law at the Federal University of Paraná and the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Coordinator of the Center for Constitutional Studies (PPGD/UFPR). Researcher at the National Council for Research and Technological Development (CNPq).
Vera Karam de Chueiri
Full Professor of Constitutional Law in the Undergraduate and Graduate Law Programs at the Federal University of Paraná. Researcher at the National Research Council and the Center for Constitutional Studies
(CCONS/PPGD/ UFPR). Member of the Ethics Committee of the Presidency of the Republic.