Laboratório de Inovação Metodológica

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The Methodological Innovation Laboratory is a new research and demonstration structure at CIES-Iscte that seeks to disseminate and develop methodological innovation practices among researchers and research areas at CIES-Iscte, as well as to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration in this area with other research centers at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, in particular with the SocioDigital Lab.



The definition of methodological innovation adopted by the Methodological Innovation Laboratory is that used by the UK's National Center for Research Methods (UK Research and Innovation, University of Southampton, University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester):

Methodological innovation is considered to be research practice through "1) technological innovation; 2) using existing theoretical and methodological approaches in an innovative way; 3) interdisciplinarity." (Xeniditou & Gilbert 2010: 3)



The social sciences research carried out at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and in particular at CIES-Iscte, is usually recognized for its strong investment in methodological terms, and this investment has repercussions on the quality of scientific practice, on obtaining results and, subsequently, on integrating the product of this research into teaching. This work has been carried out by a large group of teachers and researchers in the various departments of the School of Sociology and Public Policy and the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology, working on their own research projects or as part of teams of varying composition.


This set of teaching and research units concentrates advanced methodological skills in Advanced Methods in Statistics and Data Analysis, Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, Mixed Methods and Triangulation between Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Biographical Method, Life Course Methodologies, Data Visualization Methods (among others). In developing its activities, CIES-Iscte also has specific methodological discussion initiatives of an interdisciplinary nature - the Conference "The Challenges of Research", the "Group Interpretation Workshop", the Doctoral Colloquium and the Research Design Seminar (the latter two combining research and teaching) - whose experience will constitute a relevant contribution to LIM, as well as a forum for future discussion of its activities.


  • To give visibility to the heritage of methodological innovation developed in the research activities of CIES-Iscte
  • To develop interdisciplinary projects and practices with innovative methodological practices with other centers and researchers at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and in particular within the SocioDigital Lab.
  • Designing research projects whose work program involves methodological innovation practices
  • Collaborate with CIES-Iscte teams in the design of research projects involving innovative methodological strategies
  • Create, in collaboration with CIES-Iscte researchers, strategies for making the most of existing empirical material through innovative methodological practices
  • Develop, in collaboration with other Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa institutions, initiatives for debate and training in methodological innovation.



Coordination Team

Nuno de Almeida Alves

Helena Carvalho

Patrícia Ávila

Madalena Ramos

Magda Nico

Ana Caetano

Gustavo Cardoso

Helge Jorgens

Maria do Carmo Botelho


Specially contracted staff

Luís Junqueira, Junior Assistant Researcher (from June 1, 2021)

Doctoral Fellow (from September 1, 2021)