“Personal is Metropolitan: Narratives of Self and the Poetics of the Intimate Sphere”
Encontro Leitura | 11 dezembro 2020

Leitura: Cruces, Francisco (2016) “Personal is Metropolitan: Narratives of Self and the Poetics of the Intimate Sphere” in Urbanities 6: 1 – Special Issue: Emerging Social Practices in Urban Space (pp. 8-24). 




Zoom Meeting


*Aula Aberta de Pesquisa de Terreno, Dep. Métodos de Pesquisa Social, ESPP






A imagem é do filme de Sonja Lakic, “Corona Retreat”, 2020: a film still. Camera: Srdjan Ćuković. Editing and sound: Goran Puzić. Produced by MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo.