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No dia 19 de junho, entre as 14h30 e as 16h00 (GMT Lisboa), decorre o Encontro de Estudos sobre a China com o tema “Biopolitical influences from afar: Beauty practices among young chinese women in Portugal”.
Isabel Pires
Frederico Duarte Vidal
A sessão decorre em formato online, via zoom:
Meeting ID: 997 5271 7779
Passe: 621764
"Women's bodies, historically confronted with societal pressures, now find themselves in the domain of a globalized "biopolitics of beauty" (Jarrín 2017). In the Chinese context, however, they also engender a new "aesthetic governance" (Yang 2011). Linked to the embodiment of prevailing social constructs, such as "modernity" or "progress", a component of a broader moral and civilizational dimension is intricately intertwined with power dynamics, both on a national and family scale. As little is known about this intersection with diasporic communities, and based on my doctoral research, in this presentation I will explore the bodily experiences of young Chinese women born or raised in Portugal. Using ethnographic methodology and through the lenses of beauty practices, I’ll unveil affects, expectations and regulations, and how the interplay among biopolitical influences, beauty norms, and societal acceptance norms takes place in their everyday life."
Os Encontros de Estudos sobre a China são um ciclo de Seminários organizados pelo CEI-Iscte e o CIES-Iscte, das investigadoras Cátia Miriam Costa e Sofia Gaspar.