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Meetings on China Studies
Meetings of China Studies are organized joinly by CIES-Iscte and CEI-Iscte, aimed at researchers, teachers, students and professionals interested by subjects and problematics on China and Chinese community in Portugal.
The aim of these meetings is to provide knowledge and critical debate on theoretical and empirical research from academics or other professions, looking to stimulate an interdisciplinary approach with the contribution of sociology, anthropology, political science, international relations, economy, management, history and literature.
Each of these meetings takes place every two months, and it consists on the presentation of a study by a researcher, the critical comment of a specialist, and the debate with the public.
Organization: Sofia Gaspar and Cátia Miriam Costa
The aim of these meetings is to provide knowledge and critical debate on theoretical and empirical research from academics or other professions, looking to stimulate an interdisciplinary approach with the contribution of sociology, anthropology, political science, international relations, economy, management, history and literature.
Each of these meetings takes place every two months, and it consists on the presentation of a study by a researcher, the critical comment of a specialist, and the debate with the public.
Organization: Sofia Gaspar and Cátia Miriam Costa

Understandig Chinese Lifestyle Migrants to Western Countries
Meeting | 12 February 2025

A China no sistema de Governança Global da Saúde: Rumo a uma “Comunidade de Futuro Compartilhado”
Meeting | 16 December 2024

China's Diaspora Governance in Italy
Meeting | 09 October 2024

Biopolitical influences from afar: Beauty practices among young chinese women in Portugal
Meeting | 19 June 2024

The Way of the Shaman Drum
Film Screening | 24 April 2024

Entre Confúcio e Tio Sam? Os Desafios Geopolíticos Brasileiros no Atlântico Sul diante da Competição Sino-Estadunidense
Meeting | 7 February 2024

Exploring China's strategic simulations and wargaming
december 13 | Meetings on Studies on China

O soft power de características chinesas: um ponto de situação
18 October | Meetings on Studies on China

#MeeToo Activism without the #MeToo Hashtag
Meeting | 25 May 2023

Moving Away from Metropolitans: How Chinese Women Negotiate Migration and Self-employment Careers
Webinar | 29 March 2023

Reconsidering China's agenda in a realist world-order
18 January 2023 | Online

A crescente presença chinesa no atlântico sul. Interesses, estratégias e os impactos na relação com o Brasil
09 November 2022 | 14h30 | Online

A China na América do Sul. Repercussões para a segurança do Brasil
14 September 2022 | 14h30 | Online

Seeking western men. Email-order brides under China's global rise
22 June 2022 | 14h30 | Hybrid

Orientación Educativa y profesional en el sistema Educativo de China
11 May 2022 | 14h30 | Online

Publishing craze: the overriding goal of PhD students in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau
15 March 2022 | 10h00 | Online