Biographies and Trajectories
This quarterly cycle of seminars aims at presenting the work of national and international researchers who use a biographical approach and/or life-course methodologies. On the other hand, it aims to stimulate reflection on the processes of collecting, constructing and interpreting biographical reports and calendars and establishing research networks within the scope of the study of biographies, life paths and social trajectories.

Organization: Magda Nico and Ana Caetano, researchers at CIES-IUL.

Official Website

Pesquisa Biográfica da Viuvez Feminina: potencialidades, desafios e responsabilidades
Pesquisa Biográfica da Viuvez Feminina: potencialidades, desafios e responsabilidades
Seminar | 12 February 2025
Investigating the Impact of Labour Market Insecurities on the Well-Being of Young People
Investigating the Impact of Labour Market Insecurities on the Well-Being of Young People
Seminar | 18 November 2024
Parte de nós. Narrações a várias vozes e outros registos de vidas
Parte de nós. Narrações a várias vozes e outros registos de vidas
Seminar | 23 February 2024
Escrever sobre Vidas, Contar Histórias: processo e desafios
Escrever sobre Vidas, Contar Histórias: processo e desafios
20 October | Seminar
Biographies and the Practice of Storytelling
Biographies and the Practice of Storytelling
14 September 2022 | 16h | Hybrid
Thank you for letting me in. Observations on the methodological agility required for sustaining contact with the Milltown Boys over 50 years
Thank you for letting me in. Observations on the methodological agility required for sustaining contact with the Milltown Boys over 50 years
04 February 2022 | 16h | Online
The Sociology of Life Course: from a dispositional interactionism
The Sociology of Life Course: from a dispositional interactionism
11 October 2021 | 16h00 | Hybrid
Criativos somos nós. Espelhos retrovisores, faróis, metodologias de investigação social e a vida que não pára, não
Criativos somos nós. Espelhos retrovisores, faróis, metodologias de investigação social e a vida que não pára, não
17 June 2021 | 16h00 | Online
Exploring risk and trauma in data analysis
Exploring risk and trauma in data analysis
19 february 2021 | 16h | Online
[CANCELADO] Biografias e migrações a partir de um lugar
[CANCELADO] Biografias e migrações a partir de um lugar
27 março 2020 | Iscte
Life course and biographical bifurcations: the temporalities of social presences
Life course and biographical bifurcations: the temporalities of social presences
25 October 2019 | 16h00 | ISCTE-IUL
Separar o trigo do joio nos métodos longitudinais quantitativos
Separar o trigo do joio nos métodos longitudinais quantitativos
7 june 2019 | 16h00 | ISCTE-IUL
Histórias da Vida. As expetativas altas da antropologia
Histórias da Vida. As expetativas altas da antropologia
22 March 2019 | 16h00 | Rita Ávila Cachado
Using creative methods to understand critical moments in transition to adulthood among young people (formerly) in care?
Using creative methods to understand critical moments in transition to adulthood among young people (formerly) in care?
16 November 2018 | Jeanette Østergaard
Sequential analysis and life path: potentialities and limitations
Sequential analysis and life path: potentialities and limitations
28 March 2018 | Vasco Ramos
Written lives. The biographical approach applied to the processes of recognition, validation and certification of competences
Written lives. The biographical approach applied to the processes of recognition, validation and certification of competences
07 December 2017 | Alexandra Aníbal
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