Meetings Migration Experiences
These meetings are a co-organisation between researchers from CIES-Iscte and CRIA, in partnership with the Emigration Observatory, aimed at researchers, scholars and other people interested in this area of work.

The main objective of these meetings is the interdisciplinary exchange on studies in the field of international migration. In each meeting, we focus on specific investigations or works, intersecting practices and questions in their methodological and/ or theoretical, which are ongoing or are already completed.

The aim is to provide space for debate and creation of synergies between researchers and other stakeholders from different national and international research organizations or centers in the field of international migration.

These meetings are open to anyone interested, coming from inside or outside Iscte.

More info:

The Role of Frontline Professionals in the Immigrant Integration Process
The Role of Frontline Professionals in the Immigrant Integration Process
Meeting | March 18, 2025
Desafios e sustentabilidade de políticas e ações sociais para migrantes
Desafios e sustentabilidade de políticas e ações sociais para migrantes
Seminário | 20 janeiro 2025
O percurso migratório de jovens adultos portugueses
O percurso migratório de jovens adultos portugueses
Meeting | 26 November 2024
Os pequenos comércios como um ativo para a cidadania europeia
Os pequenos comércios como um ativo para a cidadania europeia
Meeting | 18 October 2024
How migration and development are interconnected
How migration and development are interconnected
Meeting | September 25, 2024
Onde vamos morar? – Trajetórias biográficas e residenciais nos processos migratórios
Onde vamos morar? – Trajetórias biográficas e residenciais nos processos migratórios
Encontro | 3 June 2024
Documentary film"Contrariar o Silêncio”
Documentary film"Contrariar o Silêncio”
Meeting | May 15 2024
Role of desire in risky migration: a case study of Syrian refugees' secondary movement to Europe
Role of desire in risky migration: a case study of Syrian refugees' secondary movement to Europe
Encontro | 7 December 2023
Women Sub-Saharan Migrants in Morocco: A Long Journey towards Integration and Agency
Women Sub-Saharan Migrants in Morocco: A Long Journey towards Integration and Agency
14 November 2023 | Meetings on Migratory Experiences
Redes digitais e emigração portuguesa em Macau e na Coreia do Sul
Redes digitais e emigração portuguesa em Macau e na Coreia do Sul
Meeting | 5 June 2023
Migrações Africanas e Carreiras Desportivas
Migrações Africanas e Carreiras Desportivas
Meeting | 24 May
A Integração de Refugiados em Portugal
A Integração de Refugiados em Portugal
Meeting | 18 April 2023
Migrações, diversidades e desigualdades na reforma
Migrações, diversidades e desigualdades na reforma
30 March 2023 | Iscte
Programme 2021/22
Programme 2021/22
Meetings on Migratory Experiences
Estudantes Brasileiros no Ensino Superior em Portugal
Estudantes Brasileiros no Ensino Superior em Portugal
28 April 2022 | 14h00 | Online
Workshop “Emigrar, Remigrar, Migrar: Reflexões em torno de categorias de análise”
Workshop “Emigrar, Remigrar, Migrar: Reflexões em torno de categorias de análise”
[Postponed] | Online
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