PhD Programmes

CIES-Iscte has extensive experience in hosting doctoral students, based on a strong link between teaching and research. PhD students are guided by experienced researchers, who provide the support and supervision needed to carry out quality research.


Joint programmes


and Continuity:
in a Global World

Interuniversity Doctoral Program in History (PIUDHIST)


In association with the University of Coimbra and the University of Lisbon


In association with Universidade Nova de Lisboa

In the first year, students attend seminars on theories and methods and optional curricular units. In the remaining years, they prepare their doctoral thesis, carrying out research at CIES-Iscte.

The Center's support structures provide the necessary support, both in the administrative management of the students' training and in their research activities. In this context, CIES-Iscte also supports doctoral students in preparing applications for scholarships from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Iscte and other funding institutions.




FCT PhD Grants

The Foundation for Science and Technology awards grants to students wishing to carry out research activities as part of their doctoral studies. CIES-Iscte supports the submission of applications.

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International Cycle of PhD Conferences

Conferences organized as part of the School of Sociology and Public Policy's doctoral programmes. The speakers are internationally renowned experts in their fields

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PhD Colloquium

Initiative in which ongoing research within the doctoral programs coordinated by the School's two research centers, the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) and the Center for International Studies (CEI-Iscte), are publicly presented and discussed.

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CIES e-Working Papers

Publication of scientific papers in electronic format resulting from research carried out by Iscte students, CIES-Iscte researchers or those who collaborate with the Center.

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CIES Research Workshops

Meetings in which the processes, methods and results of scientific research in the social sciences are presented and discussed

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CIES PhD Management

Tel. +351 210 464 195 | Email